Good morning!
My name is Whitney and I am a modern day milkmaid.
I’m also a wife, mother, and beekeeper. I wear the aprons and wipe the faces and wash the dishes and shovel the compost and fill the kiddie pools and gather the eggs and churn the butter and generally do the things that must be done to keep our little corner of the world spinning peacefully.
I am equal parts whimsy and practical decisions, striking a balance that leaves me feeling exhausted in all the right ways every night as I collapse into bed with my Justin’s peanut butter cups and my bag of doritos.
If you enjoy balance that often times feels unbalanced in the effort I put into one singular task like sourdough or milking Sally each morning or too many cups of coffee on a rainy day while the boys find the loudest items we own to entertain themselves, then perhaps you’d like to stay here a while and see what we’re doing on the homestead today…